Stala is in the business of creating solutions within the ICF construction industry. With our newest product addition, we're able to further simplify the ICF opening, simplify the installation process, reduce coordination efforts between scopes, and save the end-user money all while saving lives. By specifying Stala's
ICC-500 Solutions, you eliminate the need for steel angle, alternative bucking systems (wood, prebuck), separate ICC-500 door/frame/hardware assemblies, and reduce coordination efforts between several scopes. In the process, material and labor costs are drastically reduced at these openings.
Tested, certified, listed, and labeled in accordance with ICC-500 (2020), Stala's ICC-500 Solutions are steel door, frame, and hardware assemblies designed for insulated concrete form (ICF) construction and more specifically, ICF storm shelters. Standard duty doors and frames can be easily destroyed by high winds and tornadoes, putting the lives on the other side of those doors at risk of injury or death. Steel is the only door material to pass ICC-500 testing.
With more than 1,000 tornadoes confirmed in the US each year, increasing measures to ensure the safety of communities prone to tornado outbreaks has become imperative. Changes in ICC-500 Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters are being formally adopted by states across much of the country, requiring storm shelters be incorporated into new and existing construction of education and emergency operations facilities.
The preferred method of construction for storm shelters is insulated concrete forms (ICF). ICF is an interlocking system which creates a continuous load path from foundation to roof. In 2006, Stala pioneered the integrated framing assembly (IFA®) for ICF openings. This patented design has now been incorporated into our ICC-500 Solutions.
Test specimens must undergo missile impact testing (ASTM E1886) and static and cyclic pressure testing (ASTM E330 and E1886). Perforation of the interior surface of the specimen, perforation of the paper witness screen, excessive spall, and permanent deformation exceeding 3 inches will constitute failure of impact testing.

Stala Integrated Assemblies, LLC is now offering Tornado and Hurricane Resistant IFA® Assemblies for single, outswing openings. Our ICC-500 Solutions are currently available in sizes 2'-8" x 6'-8" through 4'-0" x 8'-0". Refer to
Intertek's Directory of Building Products for the complete listing.